Behnood Javaherpour, a world-renowned fashion designer and art curator, pours his heart out on Islamic Art.

Editorial Staff
2 min readAug 30, 2021


He owns an art agency through which he has been promoting various incredibly talented artists and painters.

The world today knows that Islamic art is about the visual arts that are produced in the Islamic world. It is about religious and secular art forms and is also difficult to characterize as it includes genres, lands and periods, including Islamic calligraphy, Islamic architecture, Islamic pottery, Islamic miniature, Islamic glass, and even textile arts like embroidery and carpets. Though Islamic art is a relatively recent term that is used for describing artistic traditions, it has flourished from the time Islam was introduced and had been thriving as it has been created with a variety of cultures present within the Muslim world, explains a man who has dived deep into the world of art and now is a world-renowned art genius, art curator and fashion designer named Behnood Javaherpour.

Behnood Javaherpour has come forward to pour his heart out on Islamic art as he believes it is time for people to realize how the rich Islamic art and culture can disrupt the art world positively in ways more than one. Explaining about the three principle vehicles for artist expression in the Islamic world, Behnood Javaherpour says it is the arts of the books, which includes illustration, book-binding, calligraphy and illumination, second is architecture, and the third is the art of objects like ceramic, glass, textile, ivory, woodwork and metalwork.

Behnood Javaherpour is proud that Islamic art has so much to offer to the world of art as a whole, from which painters and artists can learn tremendously and become well-known global artists. He explains that Islamic art is always vibrant and distinctive and is also not restricted to any religious work but includes all artistic traditions in Muslim culture. Behnood Javaherpour highlights that Islamic art has only seen more prominence and recognition over the years because it has always stood unique for the emitting meaning of things through its works, rather than only their physical forms.

To promote Islamic art, Behnood Javaherpour is all excited and looking forward to promoting several artists through his art agency. However, he also points out that to keep Islamic art alive forever, more and more artists must come forward and educate one another about Islamic culture and keep creating Islamic art to showcase its richness and heritage even in today’s day and age.

To connect with Behnood, follow him on Instagram @behnoodjavaherpour.

